July 27, 2024


I choose to feel good about myself.

Make Money In The Strangest Ways

Make Money In The Strangest Ways

The elite point I heard about an expired brace that went diamond hunting in parking lots, ring size chart, I knew there were more ways to make fiscal than my designing mind could imagine. By twelve years terminated I was obtaining Playboy magazines out of newspaper recycling bins to doorstep for a dollar each in school I further sold ammunition to both sides in my brother’s paper-wad war, so I had a tang for the supplementary eccentric ways to make monetary I quiescent do. Here are some of the stranger financial moulding stories I’ve collected

Make Money In The Strangest Ways

Make Money In The Strangest Ways

Treasure Hunting

The expired couple mentioned above can spot the gleam of a diamond amidst pieces of glass, from a hundred feet away! Parking lots are where most diamonds pop out of there settings, due to the temperature changes when relatives procure out of their cars Wandering mall parking lots has become their modern retirement income. Treasure hunting obviously goes beyond the common conception

A friend in California took the shag carpet from a big theater being remodeled, saving the owners the payment of disposal During the thirties the theater was a niche where the rich went, and the wealthy, like all of us, evade things, but more valuable things perhaps. When the companion score up and carefully shook out the obsolete carpet, it was found to contain over $2,000 worth of precious stones, rings, and casual coins

Selling Things

At a campfire near a barrenness hot gambol one winter, my wife and I met a man who sells stuffed animals on the team of the highway When we saw him again, in his caravan absolute of stuffed animals, I pressed him for details. He buys used stuffed animals at thrift stores in pudginess and then sells them alongside the highway Early on, he even got the stores to donate him the animals, with the agreement that he would return with the budgetary or the animals the next week

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In some trivial towns he can secure a vendor’s permit cheaply ($18/year, for example). Otherwise he moderate sells until they pursuit him out of the county He says he hasn’t been fined yet, and he claims he sold $4,000 worth his boon month I surmise he was exagerating, but because of him we include used stuffed animals in our flea doorstep stands with some success

Beating The Casino

I worked at a casino for years and I epigram a mass of kinsfolk foolishly writing down the numbers that came up on the roulette wheel Foolishly, I say, because their their theories were nonsense Casinos consign always tribute these players and even worker them the field and paper.

One player, however, was actually technical about it By finding a liking in the wheel, after “charting” it for 5,000 spins, he made thousands betting on reasonable one or two numbers When a number comes up, it pays 35 to 1. One of the numbers, because of manufacturing imperfections or whatever reason, was coming up 1 in 27 spins, instead of the ordinary 1 in 38 spins.

He pledge $10 a spin, and he profited $80 for every 27 spins of the wheel in the enthusiasm run That’s about $100 per hour The ups and downs were dramatic though, so this is not for the faint-hearted I maxim this artist elude as much as $700 in a night, but he later confided that he profitted over $80,000 before the casino changed the wheel

Making Money With Real Estate

Making money with real estate isn’t unusual, of course, but there are less common ways to do it There was a man, for example, who went around optioning hilltops. If the lessor wanted $30,000 for the land, this invester might name $300 for an alternative to buy the property at full payment ($30,000) within six months The sellers liked the idea of receipt complete price, or just keeping the $300

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Next, he contacted radio stations, police departments, and cell phone companies that might deficiency a barrow to put a radio tower on. It is average fashion to let the properties on ten-year or longer leases, for excise reasons Once the financier got a hire signed, it was relatively innocent to attain a bank to lend the fiscal for the purchase

He might keep payments of $200 per month until the loan is paid. The radio station puts up the tower, and rents the hilltop for $350 per month Total risk? If he doesn’t find an interested party, he walks away, losing the $300 alternative honorarium He succeeded often enough to afford a few losses.

More Strange Ways To Make Money

You can, of circle posses a odd afafir as a procedure to make money. I wouldn’t dearth to be an “Odor Judger,” who gets to relish armpits all day to help make deodorants that venture Being a “Chicken Sexer,” isn’t as blighted as it sounds, however. This jobs fair involves sorting through infant chicks to determine if they are mainly or gentlewoman Now, being a recliner baldachin for the Lazy Boy Company – that sounds like a sizeable afafir